【Promotion】New Year, New Lease, New Fortune
Would you like to kick off your new year with a new office at a new location, and hopefully a new start that brings new fortune to your business? Let’s…
Would you like to kick off your new year with a new office at a new location, and hopefully a new start that brings new fortune to your business? Let’s…
Now, you can pay only for the days you use at Angus Business Center. No more long term-lease or underutilized offices Angus helps you to find a private office for…
開幕優惠來囉! 新創企業首選辦公室3+1人景觀辦公室 √ 空間寬敞舒適 √ 醫療級空氣清淨器 √ 植物碳粉影印機,健康綠色辦公室 √ 復興北路1號燙金門面 開幕期間簽約一年加贈2個月租期,即刻省下15%租金開銷 租金已含水電費、管理費,還享免費咖啡茶水、有線/無線網路、休憩洽談區、秘書服務及信件代收…等。 安格斯國際商務中心提供專業的商務支援和優質辦公空間, 除了辦公室出租以外,我們也提供工商設立登記、會議空間租借等服務。 若您有業務上的需求,歡迎利用頁面右下角的Line@與我們聯繫 或撥 02-2771-6887 將由專人為您服務。